Saturday, July 21, 2018

Apply online for Voter ID card, Learn to answer every question related to it all detail

Apply online for Voter ID card, Learn to answer every question related to it all Detail
If you do not have your voter ID, you will not be eligible to vote. You must have a voter identity card in order to vote and your name must also be in the voters' list.

The Indian government has made the procedure very easy to form a voter identity card, although it takes a little time, but now the Indian government has facilitated online application. You must have some important documents before applying online.

The method of creating online voter identity card, respectively:
When you collect the above documents, you are eligible to apply online and now you have to follow the steps given below.

1. Visit the National Voter Service Portal and click on Apply Online Forrigation of New Voter / due to Shifting FROM Account. Or you can go directly to the NVSP Form 6 page.

2. From the drop down menu you can choose your language from which you will see the top and you will have to fill in all the information related to you, including your name, age, address, etc. And you have to upload all the documents related to you.

3. When you put all the information in that form then you have to double check and click the submit button.

4. Now you get a mail with a link, with the help of that link you can track the status of your Voter ID card. It may take at least 30 days for your application to be processed and it may take so much time for you to get it.

Some important questions related to voter identity card:
Question: Who can apply online for Voter ID?
Answer: Everyone who is more than 18 years old can apply online for voter identity card, although those people who are mentally distorted or prisoners or who have committed a crime during voting and who in some way Criminal tendencies or corrupt people are ineligible for voter identity card.

Question: What should be the minimum and maximum age for voter identity card?
Answer: The minimum age for making voter identity card in India is 18 years. You will not be valid if you are not voting on 18 January of the year on January 1, then you will have to wait for the next poll. There is no maximum age for making voter identity cards in India, everybody who is more than 18 years old, can apply online for voter identity card.

Question: What is the provision of creating a identity card for migrant Indians?
Answer: Overseas Indians can apply directly to the Form 6A on the NVSP website.
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